Welcome to Advanced Cardiac Imaging (ACI) Group, a leading provider of specialized courses in cardiac MRI and cardiac MSCT. We offer comprehensive training programs designed for radiologists, cardiologists, and pediatric cardiologists seeking to enhance their expertise in diagnosing and managing both adult and congenital heart diseases using advanced imaging techniques.

At ACI Group, we understand the critical role that cardiac imaging plays in accurately assessing, diagnosing, and monitoring various cardiovascular conditions. Our mission is to empower medical practitioners with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize state-of-the-art imaging technologies effectively. By staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of cardiac imaging, we aim to improve patient care and outcomes.

We offer both introductory and advanced-level programs to cater to the diverse skill levels and requirements of our participants. Our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including principles of cardiac imaging, image acquisition and interpretation, advanced imaging techniques, image post-processing, and clinical applications. Through a combination of didactic lectures, interactive case discussions, hands-on workshops, and simulation exercises, our courses provide a practical and immersive learning experience.


Ready to Get Started?

If you want to join us, please send your CV to info@aci-eg.net or click the below button and  fill the form, and we will contact you.